How I survived my breakup? There are several factors:
- The relationship was already stale for several months.
- I wasn't happy with her anymore because she was more and more distant.
- She repeatedly mistreated me.
- I deliberately chose to look around me and really see the beautiful girls around me. It worked quite well.
So, after my experience with this breakup here is my recipe to overcome a breakup:
- Give yourself some time to really cope with this. Don't deny what's happened, accept it and move on. Pick a calendar and give yourself, for example, one week. Consider this a vacation from her and girls in general. Feel free to think about her and to cry alone in the night under the rain, whatever. But after this "mourning", WAKE UP!!
- During the "mourning" you probably will be a little depressed and you will feel a failure. Don't beat up yourself, it's completely normal. Yes, it's over, but 99% of the times it's NOT only your fault. A relationship is a dynamic between TWO people, not one.
- Become a YES man. Seek the support of your friends and relatives, and go out with them every time they invite you -and they will, I assure you, if you tell them what are you going through-. Even if more than likely you won't feel like going out. But this will help you a lot, believe me! Only be sure not to whine all night, and instead try to be in the moment and NOT think about the breakup. This will feel hard and unnatural at first, but keep trying. It'll be more than worth it!
- Look around you and really see and appreciate the fantastic girls all around you. They are more than likely much better and much more compatible with you than your ex-girlfriend. And you can have them.
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